Formal Lie groups and Lie pairs



报告题目:Formal Lie groups and Lie pairs


报告时间:2023/11/25  15:00-16:00


报告摘要:The formal Lie theory theorem asserts an equivalence of categories between the category of finite-dimensional complex Lie algebras and the category of complex formal group laws. In this talk, we will present a generalization of the formal Lie theory theorem, which asserts an equivalence of categories between the category of formal Lie groups and that of general Lie pairs. This is a joint work with Binyong Sun and Chuyun Wang.

报告人简介:陈福林,厦门大学数学科学学院副教授,主要从事李理论方向的研究,具体包括李群表示论、无穷维李代数、顶点代数和量子代数等。已在Trans AMS, Representation Theory, Int. Mat. Res. Not., Israel J Math., Can. J Math., J. Alg., J Pure Applied Alg., 等杂志上发表多篇论文。